I found the Alexander Technique (AT) when I wanted to have a child. AT taught me how to use my body and mind more effectively, supporting me through conception, pregnancy, birth, postpartum and parenting. My lessons had such a profound effect on me that I became an AT teacher for adults and children. I would be grateful and honored to share what I have learned with you during any part of your parenthood journey.

MeSpace (fertility)

My becoming pregnant was met with years of wondering–so many almosts, whys, fears, worries, self-doubt, sadness, anger and confusion for what to do next. Through AT, my uncertainty was replaced with a transformative connection to my body trusting that it knew best. I learned to lean into my body’s wisdom telling me all I needed to know. My fears were replaced with calmness; a new found clarity and sense of empowerment. 

BabySpace (pregnancy) 

Practicing the Alexander Technique tools of self-awareness and self-care allowed for a pain-free pregnancy. AT’s Body Mapping improved my balance and flexibility, creating more enjoyable walking, sleeping, bending and sitting. I felt at ease in my new body, responding to its change in size, weight and structure. All the tension and old movement patterns that limited me were replaced with feelings of buoyancy, decompression and overall comfort.

WeSpace (Postpartum)

After my son was born, I continued using the Alexander Technique. The ease in my body continued while nursing, carrying my son, and in daily activities. As my son grew and became mobile I found I had more energy to meet his many milestones. I used my understanding of AT to give him room to crawl, stand and walk at his own pace. He helped me see the place I want to be in my body—free, easy, receptive and responsive. From the start, my son became my Alexander teacher.

My Alexander teacher would say that the process is as important as the goal. You can’t just plant a seed in the corner of a room. We have to take care of the soil, your inner home, and trust the process.
— Chloe Wing