The Alexander Technique is about self-discovery and feeling good in your body. It's a process that allows you to coordinate mind and body to re-learn movement — deepening our understanding of how we’re designed to move. Classes teach students to become aware of their own movement tendencies, how to release unnecessary tension, and how to consciously make new choices to create more flow and ease of movement. Students can apply the changes they experience to enhance the activities of their daily life and profession.

you'll experience:

  • reduced pain from illness or stress

  • support for injury recovery

  • full, natural breathing

  • easier and efficient movement

  • enhanced performance in any activity
    including athletics, dance, acting or singing

  • pain-free computer use

  • aging with ease

  • natural ease during pregnancy

  • deepened self-awareness, connect to your body’s wisdom


relearnphotos by margot kingon

relearn photos by margot kingon

Elizabeth Castagna is certified to teach The Alexander Technique under Alexander Technique International. She works with a range of students including people with repetitive stress injuries, anxiety, Lyme disease, and back pain or chronic pain. She works with actors, performers, visual artists, school teachers, folks around fertility, prenatal care, postpartum, athletes, teens, and children. She teaches private lessons, group classes and workshops in the Hudson Valley and New York City. Click here for full bio.


“What is essential, is invisible to the eye.”
- The Little Prince: